Lover of life

In the morn, she saw the sun and gave it a smile;
Then greeted everyone she met on her mile.
On these simple principles, she lived her life,
Not as a perfect woman who didn't know strife.
But Her son Pena was her soul and breath;
And her twin Lebo was her heart from birth;
Her sister Mpho was her whitest dove
And her friend Maki was her endless love.
Full of zeal, she brightened everyone's day,
Spicing up conversations with words she'd say,
Amusing friends and colleagues in her circle,
Attesting jokingly that she'd never settle.
I've met kind people with hearts as white as snow,
But Lebza was the kindest woman I'll ever know.
Lover of life, Lebza also didn't take bull!
Apologies for the word; it's just a hint...
That you mess with her and think she's scared,
She'll crush you down and turn to red.
Her presence was always a heater,
Music is sweet but she was sweeter.
The love she had for ma and pa, no doubt,
Which made her more beautiful, inside-out.
Traveling was her life, along with friends,
All over the south to where the sky ends.
After the sun, Kamo was her son;
Lover of life, excuse the pun!
Oh yes sweet sweet Beautiful twin.
What wrong did we do and what sin?
To lose such a precious treasure,
Leaving emptiness without measure.
Your character fueled us like malt.
For a colourful life, you were the salt.
The friends' list in your circle is too long:
Late Tebza, Popza, Thiza and Ding Dong.
So true and real, never a fake,
Admitting when you made a mistake.
We're lost, myself, Bra Vic and Bra Pat,
like a White granny who lost her cat.
Your life was like a flourishing flower, a blossoming rose.
Rest in peace, my friend,
May your soul gain sweet repose.
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

To Moleboheng 'Lebza Malebza' Mpanyane,
My all time best friend and
Ex-lover who passed away
In a very mysterious way.

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Lover of life

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